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00:00 / 08:30

[INSECTOS. They were birds, at first.
M.H., Thank you very much.]

Strange body, an alien machine;
foreign body, we don't know him.
Strange body, the body of the foreign.

Strange Body, Foreign Body* is originally a short writing piece by Mónica A. Quijano, reflecting on the body, honest and vulnerable as it is; the simple act of sharing in struggle with human limitations and judgement, and a deep concern about expressing nurture, our need of shelter and support taking us to the ultimate care, how we all need a home (understanding home not just as a physical place, but a place of belonging, compassion and love).

The work was performed 21, 22 and 23rd April for the Body in Perform (international performance platform)'s calling #takemehomewhereibelong, online, during quarantine's time. It took place at Pasto (Nariño, Colombia)

*Written at Bogotá D.C. (Colombia), 2014

(He was in the world, and the world was made through him, yet the world knew him not. John 1:10 KJV)

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