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As a collective interested in creating and strenghtening bonds between partners, we aim to develop strategies to question and broaden the perspectives of performance experimenting a range of options among virtual collaborations, discussion and surveying looking for creative ways to implement refreshing, wider scope experiences.


Mingas de Cuerpos

Grecia Quintero (Cúcuta)

Evelyn Loaiza (Medellín)

Luisa Giraldo (Bogotá)




Va-Bene E. Fiatsi



Body in Perform

Ayça Ceylan

Emel Pilavcı



Re-connect Festival

Online Performance Festival
Farvardin 17-24 - 1399

Tehran (IRAN)



Abdulnur Akyüz (Lebanon)

Mónica A. Quijano (Colombia)

Tira Intro.jpg


mingas de cuerpos

#sagrado deber, #lamedidadeloquenosfalta

Tras interiorizar el cuerpo y
enfrentarnos a nuestros pensamientos diarios por el aislamiento y confinamiento en el que nos encontramos, tenemos el tiempo y el espacio para examinar desde nuestras
acciones pasadas hasta nuestros pensamientos actuales. La quietud del
cuerpo y la sobre producción de la mente evalúan ese ente sin tiempo que constantemente crea y pone en una balanza todo aquello que visceralmente necesitamos para alimentarnos internamente. Es por esto que hemos decidido juntarnos y desde ahí seguir entrelazados nuestras redes para acompañarnos y seguir creando.



JULY 2020

pIAR & crazinisT artisT

perfocraZe International Artist Residency- [pIAR] hosted by “crazinisT artisT studiO” is an interdisciplinary artists' program and a performance ‘hatchery’. It serves as an incubator, laboratory and an interactive platform for artists, activists, researchers, curators and thinkers to develop and engage with one another on a rich variety of artistic research projects. The studio is located in the hub of Kumasi, the second largest city of Ghana and the capital of Ashanti Kingdom.


Va-Bene's Statement

I believe performance is an embodiment of life, perhaps subtle but intensive and ephemeral, which could provide an intimate dialogue between the performer/s and the audience (co-performers). It is important using performance as a potent medium to re-examine our own colonial history from dynamic experiences. However, the subject of Gender, sexuality, race and being privileged  seem as residues from several colonial past, experiences and [post-religious] debates for autonomy, cultural authenticity and the politics of power. 

MAY 2020


The whole world is experiencing a new phase at this section of time. We move in a constant tide as the crisis, uncertainty, social isolation take control  of our lives. Our emotions change, shiver, fade and flush. In this very period, Body in Perform invites you to share your performative works to transform the chaos, making sense, bridging up contexts and healing through expression. "Take me home where I belong!"  is a journey in search of that home through the search, the instant moment and the body, temple of Life; witness the flow.



APRIL 2020

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